Working Abroad: One of the Best Career Decisions


Written By Avinash Kumar

On June 13, 2022

Almost everyone fantasizes about visiting another country at some point in their lives. This is how you do it. 

However, if you want to work and travel at the same time, there is a path that is less travelled: working overseas. 

When you decide to move abroad for employment, the sensation of excitement mixed with apprehension about the unknown remains, amplified by the fact that you don’t have a return ticket booked. Making this leap requires a certain type of person, and it is a risk that not everyone is willing to accept. Those who do it, on the other hand, have something to be proud of. 

 Living in a foreign country took you out of your former circle of friends and relatives. Creating a life event that has changed and benefited you for the rest of your life. Living or working overseas can help jump-start your career in a variety of ways while also advancing you in other aspects of your life, regardless of where you are in your career. 

You can adapt and grow when you are not afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. It reveals a lot about your character and motivation. 

Working in another country could have been one of the best jobs moves you have ever made. 


The following are reasons why:

You will quickly discover how to become self-sufficient. 

When you move to a new nation, you will be forced to navigate an unfamiliar environment and learn to rely on yourself. This is something we frequently take for granted when we have spent our entire lives in the same city. We become accustomed to relying on others for certain requirements, and we become complacent. This increased independence will be liberating for the majority of people. 

We do not always realize how well we adjust to new conditions until we are thrust into them. 

Your ability to solve problems will be put to the test.

It is in our nature to immediately assess the situation and establish a new level of comfort. Moving overseas will challenge you to put your problem-solving hat on and interpret a completely different cultural and social environment. You might even learn something new about the culture you left behind or have your assumptions challenged. You can do all of this while channeling your inner detective.

You’ll smarten up.

Maturity is one quality that employers look for in young professionals. Learning how to adjust to a new situation and what rules to follow enables one to mature quickly. Lifestyles differ from one country to the next, and there is no better way to learn and adapt than to live in that culture. 

You will not change if you are not challenged.

It takes a lot of courage to relocate to another country. It necessitates investigation, strategy, devotion, and commitment. You’ll have the confidence to take on anything once you discover you’re capable of taking on something as difficult as this! From an employer’s perspective, having the courage to take on a task adds a lot to your character, and you’ll be able to walk into any interview and get the job.

You become even more appealing.

There is something to be said for those who live in other countries. You can share interesting stories and experiences when you return home or share your life on social media. Everyone around you is drawn to you because of your charisma, and you grow as a result of being able to share those experiences. 

You’ll make some interesting connections.

When you live and work in another country, you are surrounded by others who share your interests. Making contacts you wouldn’t have had if you lived at home. Your new work environment, hobbies, and chance meetings open the door to a plethora of new opportunities to meet individuals from all cultures and backgrounds, all of which can help you grow as a person. 

These international pals add to the richness of your life. And if you get itchy feet, you can explore from city life to adventure, wildlife to culture, breathtaking scenery to sun-soaked coasts – discover South Africa.  

Whether you are travelling or working abroad, you will be challenged to become resourceful and resilient. As a result, you will become more competent and self-assured. 

It has provided many people with personal and professional opportunities that they would not have had otherwise.